Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
An evidence based therapy for building a life worth living.
DBT is a psychological therapy first developed in the late 1980s by Dr Marsha Linehan and colleagues at the Behavioural and Research Clinics at the University of Washington, Seattle USA. DBT has become an internationally renowned leading treatment for problems of emotion and behaviour.
DBT helps with a range of difficulties
Originally developed for the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder, DBT is well established as a very effective treatment for BPD as well as Eating Disorders, Substance Use problems, PTSD, trauma, Bi-Polar Disorder, OCD, attention deficit, depression and anxiety. DBT is an effective treatment for many difficulties of emotion dysregulation.
A comprehensive therapy
DBT is an intensive treatment with a number of components.
Individual therapy targets unwanted behaviours, whilst building on skills to manage emotional difficulties. Life threatening and treatment interfering behaviours are effectively changed with DBT treatment. DBT teaches a large number of specific life skills. These are most effectively taught as a course referred to as DBT Skills Groups/Classes.
Standard DBT treatment may also include telephone coaching and between-session support, making it a very flexible and responsive treatment.
Therapists offering DBT participate in a DBT Consultation Team to ensure the therapy remains of the highest quality and effective in reaching treatment goals.
Participants in DBT are supported not only to reduce troubling symptoms but to build a “life worth living”, as part of a holistic recovery journey.
Our DBT Skills Course
Our DBT skills program has been designed to bring DBT to you.
Our DBT programs offers a range of written and other resources to support individuals to learn all of the DBT skills.
We have 3 different Modules (each is 7 sessions) that can be taken individually or as a complete course of 21 sessions.
Learn the full range of DBT skills by attending weekly classes.

Our DBT Classes
We've worked hard to make our DBT program accessible. Our programs are flexible and include eveything you need to learn DBT skills.
Regular intakes. Our Adult Programs have new intakes every 8 weeks.
Options for in-person and online skills classes
Bonus resources to support a range of learning styles
Combine with individual therapy for best outcomes
Flexible delivery -we have courses outside of regular buisness hours and during the day.